What We Do

Below are snapshots of our many ministries to give you a sense of all that we do as a church, but if you’d like more information, we’d be happy to tell you more!

Please call or email the church office at (845) 986-1030 / wumc135@gmail.com

  • Worship

    Mixing traditional and contemporary worship styles with indoor and outdoor services, in-person and online, we offer a variety of ways to engage scripture, pray together, and praise God.

  • Sunday School

    Sunday School and child care are available for children and youth of all ages, during our 10 a.m. services, from September to June.

  • Choir

    Love singing? No matter your talent, you are invited to join the choir which sings during the 8:30 a.m. service on Sundays and practices on Thursdays at 7:00 a.m.

  • The AfterWord

    Held immediately after the 10:00 worship service, the AfterWord is a discussion group to share with others reflections and questions from the morning's scriptures and sermon.

  • Mission & Service Work

    We aren't loving like Jesus if we aren't loving our neighbors, so Warwick UMC is almost always engaging in mission and service work, such as collecting donations for good causes, assisting local non-profit or charitable organizations, and sending volunteers on mission trips.

  • Bible Study

    Want to dive deeper into the Bible? Join the Bible study, Fridays at 3 p.m.! The study does not meet at the church, so please contact the church office for the location.

  • movie night june 2024 kids tire swing

    Children's Ministries

    In addition to Sunday School, we have intergenerational and youth-specific events throughout the year.

  • eXtra Years of Zest

    AKA "XYZ" - A ministry geared toward those who are 55-ish and older. XYZ has events throughout the year, so contact the church office to find out what they're up to next.

  • Men's Lunch

    Looking for community? Men of any age are welcome to bring their lunch to the church (or the park during the summer) on Tuesdays at noon.

  • Women's Prayer Group

    In need of prayer or have a heart for it? Women of any age are welcome to come to the church, Thursdays at 10 a.m. for prayer and fellowship.

  • Care Through Connection Ministry

    AKA "CTCM" - Our CTCM volunteers call church members and friends a couple times a year to check in and receive prayer requests. Contact the church office to be added to CTCM's call list.

  • Visitation Ministry

    Our Visitation volunteers visit some of our more isolated or homebound members. If you'd like to help or receive a visit, contact the church office.

  • Warwick Ecumenical Food Pantry

    Not a ministry of the church, but an organization we are proud to host! Find more information on the Pantry's website.

“Faith is dead when it doesn’t result in faithful activity. Someone might claim, “You have faith and I have action.” But how can I see your faith apart from your actions? Instead, I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action.”

James 2:17-18